Thursday 16 September 2010


Well its been a while since I got around to updating this. Now Ive finally got some time, to sit down and update :).

Its been a hectic couple of weeks for me and my CVID and its hard to know where to start really. Im due for infusion next week and Im a little bit nervy after my last infusion experience. In the run up to the infusion, I had been feeling heavily exhausted and very unwell. When I visited the hospital for the infusion, the nurses didnt feel that I was well enough, or indeed strong enough to have my infusion at that time. I was somewhat surprised as I certainly felt well enough, however I will not go against my nurses judgement. The infusion was delayed by 3 days to ensure that my infection markers were not indicating any infection in my system. Although the infection markers were ok, my IGg count had dropped which I dont feel is particularly encouraging.

Last week, I finally got around to getting the ultrasound of my spleen done. My consultant wants to check why I havent shown the expected levels of response. One theory is that there could be clots in the spleen which are absorbing the immunoglobulin, keeping it away from the immune system. From the ultrasound, apparently although my spleen is the correct length, it looks 'bulky'. Im sure I will hear more on that in due course. Next week I have CT scan of my lungs to ensure there is no damage there.

One thing I did get a roasting from my consultant over was the importance of sleep in helping me recover, and apparently I am showing some signs of insomnia. As such I have cut out caffeine after lunch and found that I do sleep ok with that. I just need to try and get a few early nights.

I guess my one bugbear with the IVIG is my slow pace of improvement. After 5 months I still dont feel any real improvement. I know it will take time and I need to be patient, I guess I just hate feeling so drained so often


  1. It can sometimes take 7 or 8 months before you start to see an improvement. I have heard from people in my support group that SubQ maintains your levels better that IVIG, so I just switched. I also have a blog at:

    Great support group at:

  2. Thank you the comment. When speaking to my nurse they believe around 12 months until I will get the full effects. Ideally I would like to stay on IVIG as I feel it gives me more options.

    Thank you for the links. Will check them out
