Monday 9 August 2010

So what is it really like Part 2

The fact that tomorrow is infusion day, gave me a nudge to update my blog. Its felt a very weird three weeks. Despite having my increased amount of Privigen, I havent felt any kind of benefit. For many days, particularly early in the morning, I felt like Im walking through quicksand.

Currently for the first two or three days following infusion Im finding it very difficult. I tend to have no energy at all, and then when I do have some over the first 48 hours or so, I swing between having energy and then becoming drained with no energy what so ever. Generally after that, I feel better than I have done for a long time, with a normal sleeping pattern really helping. When I do feel that I have energy, its still amazing how quickly it can disappear. A short walk to the local shop or the train station can be enough to tire me out. However its been positive to notice that as I am adapting to the infusions, the energy does seem to last a little bit longer.

That is until I get into the third week of the infusion. One of the downsides of the infusion that isnt the case with the sub-cut method, is that after the big 'spike' in the antibody count over the three weeks, the counts start to drop, and that causes me to feel more drained in the run up to the infusion. It does feel a big difference when I get into that final week.

The big downside so far, has been my body's slow response since I started IVIG. My infusion nurse wants my antibody count to remain (at the lowest) at 9 in the third week (keeping me further away from slipping back to an 'unhealthy' level. Despite having had an increased level, my last blood test three weeks ago showed that I had still yet to reach that magical figure. It appears that the replacement antibodies are being absorbed and taken elsewhere. I am awaiting an ultrasound to have a look at my Spleen and Liver. It could be that groups of blood cells in my Spleen are absorbing the Immunologlobulin, meaning that it sint all getting where it is needed and there is no chance of my increased amount being reduced. Its a shame however Im slowly moving in the right direction.

I just hope that tomorrows infusion goes well, and I feel a little better this time. My mother and I are are currently being trained on how to set all the equipment up. My mother has the task of being my 'infusion buddy' and will put the butterfly in for the first time tomorrow. Hears hoping that from the weekend onwards I will feel a little more 'normal' again

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