Thursday 11 November 2010

Reaching the Big 60!!

Well Im almost there. One more infusion due to take place on November 23rd and then I will be able to start having my infusions from home. The good thing is that its going to mean less time off work and I can adapt my treatment schedule and allow the weekend for more rest.

The biggest discussion recently has been around whether I should be switched to having the IVIG weekly fortnightly, or whether to increase the amount of Privigen that Im having each time. My IGg counts have shown improvement despite sliding a couple of months ago. The level is now up to 8.6 and my Consultant and Specialist Nurse would like to see my level around 9. As such with the winter coming up we have agreed on a 10g increase to my 3 weekly schedule, taking me up to 60g every three weeks. If this doesnt work, I will more then likely switch to a fortnightly treatment.

The reason for my slow response may finally have been discovered. Although my CT scan of the lungs showed no scarring or anything, however there were small amounts of cells (I've forgotten the actual name, but I think they were called Granulocytes) in my lungs. These cells have a tendency to remove immunoglobulin by absorbing it, removing it from the immune system. Apparently this is quite symptomatic of CVID.

My major bugbear of the last few weeks has been cold sores, with me picking up a couple in the last two to three weeks. My GP has given me a course of Acyclovir tablets, which although they seemed to have eased the issue, have certainly made me feel quite under the weather. Hopefully they will resolve the issues going forward. Fingers crossed Im now in a position to get through the winter fairly easily.

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