Thursday 18 August 2011

One Step Forwards..........

I cant believe its been so long since I was last on here. I wish it could be due to time flying while having fun!!

Unfortunately after the positivity of a month or two ago things have taken a step or two back. After starting to feel tired and lethargic, which was originally put down to me having B12 deficiency, I also found that I was becoming tight chested while sat down and that my lung function tests showed that my lung capacity and efficiency had decreased.

Following on my lung CT scan some time ago, my immunologist has diagnosed CVID with Granulomatous Disease. The first stage of the treatment for the Granulomatous Disease was a 6 week course of Prednisolone tablets, which if successful would be followed by a long term course of Azathioprene.

I have heard a few different reasons given for the formation of the Granuloma in my lungs, and the way I understand it is that my immune system is attacking the antibodies from the IVIG treatment as they are 'foreign bodies'. This forms lumps called Granulomas which sit in my lungs, absorb the immunoglobulin and reduce my lung function - as well as making me feel unwell. The idea of the steroid/azathioprene treatment is supress my immune system and prevent the formation of further granulomas.

The image above shows Granulomas in the lungs.

Thankfully, the course of Prednisolone seems to have been effective, I felt better for the majority of the team, and most importantly, all the chest symptoms have improved. A fortnight ago, I started the course of Azathioprene which has been fraught with difficulty. The worst part has been the constant nusea which thankfully has now passed for the most part. At times it was almost impossible to keep water down. I owe a huge debt to whoever developed antisickness pills!

This week I also had my first B12 injection. It seems that my blood level has been steadily dropping over the last few months. Hopefully regular B12 injections will help boost my energy further. Fingers crossed I can take two steps forward without the need for one backwards

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