Tuesday 10 May 2011

Moving On Up

Once again, its been a while since I have had the chance to update my blog. With the recent nice weather I havent been on the PC as much.

The recent good weather has caused me a few problems with hayfever recently. Im convinced that Ive never had hayfever this bad in the past. I will have to c oncrete my garden to make things easier!

There has been quite a lot of good stuff happening recently :). The home infusions (with the exception of Sunday's) have gone really well. My mum has become really confident in putting the butterfly into the vein and some early equipment issues with the drip stand have been resolved. I think we have also found a solution to avoid the severe cramp which comes from not being able to move my arm for over two hours!!

My IGg counts have responded fantastically well to the privigen. My last blood count was in excess of 12 which is amazing considering how much of a struggle it has been to get there. My peak flow test has increased by over 50% which shows that my lungs are in pretty good condition - I do though have more lung function tests to be done in the next couple of months. My consultant is so pleased that I am able to come over my covering antibiotics - obviously with the proviso of going straight back on if I deteriorate.

The only recent down sides have been that over the last two days, Ive felt like Im going down with a heavy cold. I coincided my ceasing of antibiotic protection with my last infusion 2 days ago, but since then I havent been well, so I may have to take the plunge back onto the tablets. Also, a recent routine haemotology blood test, identified that I had a low Red Blood Cell count. As such Ive recently been submitted for blood tests which look at my infection and virus markers (which may impact on the RBC count), as well as my iron and vitamin B12 levels. My mum has anaemia and Im sure that when I was in the infusion clinic, one of the other patients required a course of iron tablets. We will see what comes back from those tests

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