Tuesday 22 June 2010

To IVIG or not to IVIG?

Following the diagnosis of CVID, the next step was to decide the methodology of treatment.

My diagnosis was confirmed in late March, after an attempt to stimulate my immune system using vaccinations had failed drastically. On top of that, despite daily antibiotic, I was still picking up infections. If anything my immunoglobulins had dropped even further. The appointment I thought would only last half an hour or so turned into several hours.

You kind of get a feeling things are not great when your doctor keeps re-checking your notes. Even though deep down I knew what was coming it was still a shock when the full scale of the issue was laid out to me. Ever since my low immunoglobulin counts had been discovered access to the internet and wikkipedia gave me an idea what to expect.

The only way for my condition to be controlled from this point was to be given replacement antibodies. However there were two possible methods - a three weekly IVIG drip, or a weekly 'sub-cut' method where a pump delivers the fluid into sites on the abodmen.Having only started a new job a few weeks earlier I was immediately drawn to the three weekly option (the sub-cut method required a hospital visit every week for at least 10 weeks). As usual things are not that simple. Although my counts being so leant towards the three option (a larger amount to boost me immeadiately), my veins are moveable - something I would later painfully discover.

The doctor went through the whole process of anti-body harvesting from Euopean and American donors. I was then shown where the infusion takes place before my infusion nurse checked my understanding with a series of questions, which would later be repeated when I gave my consent to treatment some three weeks later.

One of the lighter moments in the run up to the start of my now life-long treatment, was having to have my veins examined!! Having a nurse gently rubbing your arm and hand is a stranegly pleasant feeling guys!! ;). However it is important for the nurse to establish the quality of the veins as they have to stand up to long term useage. However Im intrigued to find out what vein exercises are!!!

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