Wednesday 15 February 2012

Has It Been so Long

Firstly a belated Happy New Year to you all

Wow! I have been meaning to post on here for ages, but for various reasons, I just havent been able to find the time. I cant believe though that I havent been posting on here since August!!

The good thing has been that things have been going fairly well in the last few months. The home IV infusions have been going really well. My mum who volunteered to put the needle in has for the most part been getting the needles in the first time. I've also found that having the infusions at home has another added benefit - as I dont have to travel home from the hospital post infusion, I feel much less tired in the hours after the infusion has been complete. Obviously given the amount of time I've been on the IVIG, my body is adapting, but I still find that if I have the infusion done in clinic, Im pretty tired for the rest of the day.

One thing that I did want to happen was an infection-free Christmas. Unfortunately it didnt quite happen. On Christmas Day, I started feeling as though I had been smacked in my face. Within a day or two it developed into a full blown sinus infection. I have never had a sinus infection before, and this was really painful. The pain stretched from the centre of my head, round behind my left eye, along my left hand jaw line and then round to the glands at the bottom of my jaw. The infection was pretty resiliant and lasted around a month. In fact I've been put back on antibiotics due to some minor earache and minor twinges in both sinuses, so it could be that the infection is still there.

In many ways, I didnt really help myself though. Rather than making an imediate appointment with my GP I waited a while assuming at first before the pain got really bad that I just had tootache. I guess my big learning is that if I have any doubtful symptoms, to get them checked straight away, especially given the nature of a condition like CVID.