Wednesday 8 June 2011

Testing Times Ahead

Once again it seems like ages since I posted on here. Most of the days Ive still been feeling a bit too exhausted to do anything once I get home from work.

Over the next couple of weeks, Im going to get a much better idea of where things are going, particularly in relation to my constant tiredness. I had a phone call from my Immunology nurse this work, who has advised that my B12 level is slightly low and my consultant wants to see me before they take action. Low B12 would go someway to explaining why Im so tired, and I also have family history of low B12 on my mothers side. What was thought was a virus casuing me to feel like this seems to have lasted too long, so hopefully there will be some movement on this over the next couple of weeks.

Prior to my review with my immunologist I have a session of lung function tests due next week. The last time I did a peak flow in clinic there had been a massive improvement in my breathing and hopefully this will be maintained. Ive managed to keep up taking inhalers (fairly!) religiously so fingers crossed this combined with successful IVIG is really doing the trick.

Im really pleased that I have managed to say pretty infection free since coming of my antibiotics. I was fairly worried as to how I would cope after being on them for so long, but Ive been pleasently surprised so far.

When I havent felt too tired Ive been been stepping up my 'rehab'. After really struggling to do much in the way of exercise during the period prior to my treatment, Im really happy that Im keeping on with withg the swimming and trying to get fitter. Hopefully the constant tiredness can be sorted soon to allow me to do a little bit more