Tuesday 8 February 2011

Its been a while....

It seems like ages since I was last here and I really guess that it has been!! I hope that everyone has had a great christmas and start to the new year?

My start to the new year has been quite mixed really. After a very difficult home infusion in mid December, I was back in clinic for infusion at the start of January. This was also a little traumatic. One of the main issues that I have with IVIG, is that my veins are not easily accesible. I have a 'good' vein in my left elbow, but the others can be difficult to get in to. Aside from that, I am always encouraged to take a lot of fluid on board prior to each infusion. On top of over half a litre of fluid in a couple of hours, and I end up in a difficult situation. This caused a mini disaster.

As a have a butterfly needle instead of a canula, Im not really allowed to move my arm in case the metal damages the vein. When I did move to the loo, the butterfly slipped and came out of my arm, leading to the infusion needing to be re-sited. It took each of the infusion nurses two attempts each to re-site the needle, which is a bit of a worry for home infusion. As such the nurses are applyign for funding for a BUPA Homehealthcare nurse to come out to me and supervise the infusions. If experienced nurses have issues siting the needle, my mum will find it a lot harder.

A second in-clinic infusion took place in late January, and this time all went well. However since then, I have been stuck with a terrible virus, and I have to admit I havent felt so rough in a long while. Tiredness is a fairly common symptom of my CVID, but the lethargy I have felt recently has been horrendous. On top of that swollen glands, terrible headaches and, numerous painful mouth ulcers and its been a hard few weeks. Thankfully I seem to be through the worst just in time for a home infusion on Monday. Time to crack on with those resolutions..........